

i'll give you the world

This old map has hung in the family home (which is no longer a place where I've actually "lived" as in "lived there") for as long as I can remember. My dad just loves old stuff; I tend to, also. I have my own quirky collections of things but his house is practically a museum. This map has been preserved for...a long, long time. Not sure how old it is. As my grandmother used to say - and as I find myself saying increasingly, to my dismay - "it's a different world."

It sure is, Grammy. Often I don't know what to make of it.


didn't we do this?

I dunno. I feel sure we did an "Up Close" week. Or maybe it's just me. I tend to want to get up close in a lot of shots, although my camera - which I'd always thought was decent - always gives me the shake warning (even on a tripod) and often shows junk in a preview. It doesn't handle poor light well, either, as will be forever evidenced by my lack of any photos of my son's "Celebration of Learning" - aka, 5th grade "graduation." Or any of his violin recitals (this term is far too lofty for what they really were.) Oh well.

I got close to this guy, though:

I know - ewwwww!

In keeping with the green theme, I got close to these, too, without disturbing (too many of) them:


 Kinda makes me wanna stick my tongue out and catch a drop - it looks so clean and fresh!



Soz. Slacking again. This week is "hot" and I'm kind of out of it and, well, it's not actually hot at the moment. No, I don't have a grill or one of those on-deck urban fire pit things. Yes, I'm tempted to put up a smokin' hot picture of myself, but I won't.

It was hot the day this was taken. Hence the utter joy of getting soaked over and over by the Tea Party log ride boat (I think that's what it's called) as it completed its splashdown.
Let's all get soaked in the water of liberty soon.